Releases/Babaco/Compatibility Matrix

Browser Compatibility Matrix for features in Babaco

You may also be interested in the compatibility matrix for features in Acai.

Internet Explorer Firefox Chrome Safari Opera Camino
5.5 6 7 8 9 1 2* 3 3.5 1 2 3 3 4 5 iP 9 9.5 9.6 9.8 10 1.6
0.1% 13.6% 15.1% 10.6% 0.0% 0.5% 1.9% 24.0% 21.0% 0.1% 6.1% 0.8% 0.7% 3.7% 4.5% 0.4% 0.1% 2.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1%
Navigable TOC -- -- P P -- -- -- P P P P P P P P -- -- -- -- -- P P
Dialogs: Internal/External Links -- -- P P -- -- -- P P -- -- P -- P P -- -- -- -- -- P P
Dialogs: Insert Tables -- -- P P -- -- -- P P -- -- P P P P -- -- -- -- -- P P
Dialogs: Search and Replace -- -- F P -- -- -- P P -- -- P -- P P -- -- -- -- -- -- P
Watch/Unwatch -- -- P P -- -- P P P P P P P P P -- -- -- P P P P
Collapsing Tabs -- -- P P -- -- P P P P P P P P P -- -- -- P P P P
Search Suggestions -- -- P P -- -- P P P P P P P P P -- -- -- P P P P
Collapsible Templates -- -- -- -- -- -- -- P P -- -- -- -- -- P -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Estimated browser distribution based on information from as of August 2009


Mark Description
P Pass: Renders and functions properly
F Fail: Does not render or function properly
XF Expected Fail: Does not render or function properly, but is not expected to due to expected browser limitations
RF RTL Fail: Renders and functions properly in left to right mode, but not in right to left (as seen on our ).

-- For the browsers which were not part of the test
* For Firefox and above

How can I help?

We need more people to follow our testing procedure and report back to us on their experiences. Uploading screenshots and adding information to the discussion page is a great way to help us out!

Testing Procedure

  • Visit [2]

Navigable Table of Contents

  • Visit featured article [3]
  • Click edit [4]
  • Verify the table of contents matches the content of the article
  • Verify clicking on the links in the table of contents scrolls the textarea and moves the cursor to the right place
  • Verify that moving the cursor from one section to another causes the various sections to be highlighted in the table of contents

Internal Links

  • Move the cursor to the end of the article
  • Click the link icon
  • Verify that a dialog appears titled "Insert link"
  • Verify that entering the letter "A" causes the link suggestions box to display a list of articles beginning with the letter "A" and the status icon become orange (there is no article for the letter A)
  • Verify that clicking one of the suggestions causes the field to be filled with the article's title and the status icon become green (there is an article with that title).
  • Change the value of the link text field
  • Click the button labeled "Insert"
  • Verify that the dialog closed and the expected wiki-text was inserted after the cursor

External Links

  • Move the cursor to the end of the article
  • Click the link icon
  • Verify that a dialog appears titled "Insert link"
  • Click the "To an external web page" tab
  • Verify the contents of the dialog changed to include a field labeled "Link URL"
  • Add "" (or any other URL) to the value of the link URL field
  • Add "Wikipedia" (or any other text) to the value of the link text field
  • Click the button labeled "Insert"
  • Verify that the dialog closed and the expected wiki-text was inserted after the cursor


  • Click the advanced toolbar section tab (if the section is not already visible)
  • Move the cursor to the end of the article
  • Click the table icon
  • Verify that a dialog appears titled "Insert table"
  • Click the checkbox labeled "Include header row"
  • Click the button labeled "Insert"
  • Verify that the dialog closed and the expected wiki-text was inserted after the cursor

Search and Replace

  • Click the search and replace icon
  • Verify that a dialog appears titled "Search and replace"
  • Enter "Williams" (or any other string contained in the document) to the field labeled "Search for"
  • Enter "TESTING" (or any other string different from the value of the search for field) to the field labeled "Replace with"
  • Click the button labeled "Replace"
  • Verify that the dialog closed and the all instances of the value of the search for field have been replaced with the value of the replace with field