Usability, Experience, and Evaluation Study/Notes/Phil

Nimish's and Hannes's Notes

  • HTML confusing (no templates)
  • Preview confusing
  • Intuitive understanding of NTOC
  • page slow
  • (Internal external links confusing)
  • Understood discussion page is *not* a forum
  • Infobox = "code"
  • Search box intuitive
  • Uses examples
  • General notes: For older machines (like his parents machine) performance is terrible
  • prefers to google information rather than look in help
  • blames self for not knowing where things are
  • Still loves wikipedia despite horrible lag
  • "if there was a subject I knew about"

  • Insert Link: Dialogs not enabled (using IE)
  • Reference Icon: immediatly recognized
  • Clicked ref-cion:
  • Doesn't know what to do:
  • "hmm...I don't know what to do from here"
  • "I would like to have an extra, external tool to help me"
  • "A Popup, where I can put information in, ...., that would be so much easier."

  • Does not know how to edit the infobox
  • recognizes some of the words from the infobox
  • but still is confused
  • finally he made it to increase population by one.. yeah! :)
  • doesn't use advanced toolbar, did not see it
  • if you dont know what advanced does you wouldn't click it when you search for insert table
  • is unsure about the table-code