Usability, Experience, and Evaluation Study/Notes/Tram
Parul's Notes
- Grad school at UPENN
- at my computer during my waking hours for half the day, personal stuff, facebook, stuff i'm interested in
- use a mac, but more familiar with a pc.
- has a blog, use yelp, craigslist, transactional thing. i use blogspot
- visits wikipedia several times a day, has edited three times
- editing process was suprisingly easy to edit. open process - anyone can edit. actual interface not that easy.
- familiarizes herself with cosmetics page - straightforward. interesting that i was redirected.
- looking for contents in the same place it is in the article. wish it were (where i expected it to). not that easy to find - not the same numbering scheme that was on the prior page. looking for an "add section" in the NTOC
- moves instead to edit content instead of "adding" content.
- successfully edits content - previews, and finds editor at the bottom of the preview page.
- test clicks all lead to internal wiki pages. forms understanding that you can only link to wiki pages within the body of the text.
- "sorry it's kind of a kludgy way to do it. i don't really understand"
- {reflist} identified as the start of a reference section
- uses link dialog - believes she's done it right.......previews. links inactive. feels like it's wrong or not allowed or violated some policy.
- copy and pasted from a previous example of reference.
- 35:48 when i hit preview i'm scared because i don't know if it's going to save my changes
- looks for edit on infobox in read mode
- ctrl f - for content collapsed in a template.
Group Notes
[1-2 edits] + blogger Edited for fun for the first time Editing experience was surprisingly easy to edit (open process), but actual editing process was not easy although she considers herself tech-savvy does not have an account
goes to cosmetics page pleasntly surprised that "make up" page is redirected to "cosmetics" "interesting photo collecitons"
Redirects -> reasoning (assumes topic deficiency)
Add something to the page use "read" tab to go back to the page "interesting" interface (puzzled) wants to add a section, but can't figure out
Looks for TOC where the TOC was in the page (similar to finding Infobox in earlier participants) Expects TOC to have "add section" button since sections are already present
Doesn't use 'section edit'...
Wants to add a section directly to NTOC Trys out the link on the left navigation bar
Familiar with old "save" interface, thrown off by "publish"
"can't link to external links in the body" ->assumption of how wikipedia works?
Back button to get back to read mode
Thiks that she can copy the link syntax from the links in the text (did not work as she wanted to add external link)
Never noticed the toolbar Goes to the left nav when she was asked something useful
Finally found the link icon (expects it to be blue. "link is always in blue") (syntax highlighting for links?) Tries to copy internal link syntax for external links
Didn't know she was in the preview mode (thought she was in the article page)
Recurring Theme: Preview mode not clear
References: copy+paste reference example
Figuring out how to add citation is difficult, try and error does not work
Wants to "save" first (meaning locally for previewing) ' Recurring theme: needing to undo (not readily visible or known that it's possible)
Templates as "buttons" not "links"
Expects help in the left navigation bar
No idea about templates without multiple parameters and values
In discussion page: Look at boxes at the top and thinks the page is for announcement
Task: adding a section - wants to add a section in NTOC - figures out the heading syntax by clicking one of the section header from NTOC - There is no "UNDO" (after making a mistake with table creation)
"Preview" tab is found without any wondering around, but the preview itself takes a long time for a long article like "San Francisco"
"those gray boxes must be some kind of templates" likes the temlate inline expansion as she can see te whole thing
View history (have been there before, thinking it is discusion page)
Likes: Hyperlinks to the section
Didn't like: No page differentiation (did not know where she was at)
Participation: If there is an indication about "help" in the search result page, i will edit.